Welcome to Rebecca May Jewellery

I am Debbie, wife to Tom, mum to Josh and a foster mum to an extremely cute 7 year old! I am happiest in my welly boots and spending time in nature. We live on a small holding alongside my horse, dogs, ducks, geese and two valais black nose sheep that give the best cuddles.


Rebecca is a very special name in our house and May is a very special month. Rebecca, my little girl was born in May 1999. After a few months it was clear something was not right and shortly after she was diagnosed with Zellweger syndrome. She had 3 short and beautiful years on this earth, we miss her every day, but we know she is walking those streets of gold.

March 2020 saw the birth of my jewellery company, first making diffuser jewellery, then it grew into something more personal. I wanted my jewellery to have more meaning.

So in March 2022 'Rebecca May Jewellery' was established and I have been providing custom personalised jewellery with meaning so you can -

"Let your jewellery tell your story"


All our birth flower designs are hand drawn and are unique to us. We then made these into high quality metal stamps and each pendant is hand stamped in our studio in Co. Down Northern Ireland then soldered for a secure finish to ensure the highest quality for your bracelets and necklaces.